Local Authorities

Sometimes it can be very difficult to know which Authority you need to contact to help resolve a problem. Below is a list which shows which Authority is responsible for which service:

* This authority is consulted on matters relating to the provision of this service and may be able to offer some limited assistance.  

Kent County Council

Kent County Council is responsible for the following services. You can report a problem with these services via the Kent County Council website.  

  • Bye Laws
  • Concessionary Fares
  • Council Meetings
  • Education
  • Emergency Planning
  • Footpaths
  • Footway Lighting
  • Grass Cutting (Verges)
  • Gritting and Salting
  • Highways Maintenance 
  • Highways 
  • Kent Fire and Rescue Service
  • Library
  • Market / Boot Fairs (on Highways and Verges)
  • Pavements
  • Public Transport
  • Recycling
  • Social Services
  • Street Lighting
  • Traffic and Road Safety
  • Trees and Hedges on/adjacent Highways 


Folkestone and Hythe District Council

Folkestone and Hythe District Council is responsible for the following services. You can report a problem with these services via the Folkestone and Hythe District Council website

  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Advertising signs
  • Benefits
  • Building Regulations
  • Bye laws
  • Car Parks
  • Cemeteries
  • Charitable Street Collections
  • Children's Play Areas
  • Council Housing/Social Housing
  • Council Meetings
  • Council Tax
  • Dog Fouling
  • Economic Development 
  • Electoral Register
  • Emergency Planning
  • Employment Promotion
  • Environmental Help
  • Grass Cutting (Non NRTC Children's Play Areas)
  • Hackney Carriages
  • Homelessness
  • House to House Charity Collections
  • Housing Benefit
  • Litter Control
  • Local Land charges
  • Noise Nuisance and Control
  • Parks, Play Areas and Open Spaces
  • Planning
  • Pollution (including Fly-Tipping)
  • public Conveniences
  • Public Entertainment Licences
  • Recycling
  • Refuse Collection
  • Street Cleaning
  • Street Entertainment Licences
  • Street Trading Licences
  • Tourism 


New Romney Town Council 

New Romney Town Council is responsible for the following services. You can report a problem with these services via our Clerk.  

  •  Advertising Banners (The Greens/Fairfield Road)
  • Advertising Signs*
  • Allotmetns
  • Benches
  • Benefits*
  • Building Regulations*
  • Bye Laws
  • Car Parks*
  • Children's Play Areas
  • Concessionary Fares*
  • Council and Social Housing*
  • Council Meetings
  • Council Tax*
  • Dog Fouling*
  • Economic Development*
  • Electoral Register*
  • Emergency planning
  • Employment Promotion*
  • Football Pitches
  • Grass Cutting (The Greens, Farfield Road Recreation Ground, Station Road Sports Field, Flagstaff Land, St Martin's Field)
  • Highways Maintenance*
  • Highways*
  • Housing Benefit*
  • Library*
  • Litter Control*
  • Markets/ Boot Fairs/Fairs (on NRTC Land)
  • Parks, Play Areas and Open Spaces
  • Pavements*
  • Public Buildings (Town Hall, Assembly Rooms, Pavillion, Community Hall)
  • Planning*
  • Pollution (including fly tipping)*
  • Public Transport*
  • Recycling*
  • Refuse Collection*
  • Town Hall
  • Traffic and Road Safety*