Kent Police

Kent Police Vision

"Our joint vision is for Kent to be a safe place for people to live, work and visit. By protecting the public from harm, we will allow our communities to flourish and by working with the public and partners, we will provide a first class policing service that is both visible and accessible. We will retain neighbourhood policing as the bedrock of policing in Kent. We will be there when the public need us and we will act with integrity in all that we do."

Contacting the Police

Call 999 only in an Emergency; when life is in danger or when a crime is in progress.
Report Online - Report a crime, incident or non-injury collision in minutes online. 
Front Counters - Report to your nearest front counter.
Crimestoppers - You can give information anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111. They are not the police, they are 100% anonymous and pay cash rewards of up to £1,000. 
Reporting Hubs - You can visit one of our reporting hub drop-in surgeries based in Medway to report hate crimes. You don't need an appointment (in most cases) and will be given advice and support by a trained team member.  
Action Fraud - ActionFraud is the UK's national fraud and cyber crime reporting centre. You can visit the ActionFraud website or phone us on 0300 1232040.
Ask the Police - You can AskThePolice online to get an instant answer. 
True Vision - hate crime or incidents and how to report it. 
Country Eye - Helping to keep the Kent countryside safe.
Call 101 to report crimes and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. 

Police Surgeries

Your local officers will be holding a police surgery on the following Monday's 10:00-11:00:


Come and speak to local officers about your concerns on crime and anti-social behaviour. Your local officer is PCSO Gorham and he will see people individually on a first come, first served basis. 

For more information, please contact your local policing team by calling 101. 

For news, safety advice and information about policing in your area, visit 

Kent Police are continuing to help protect the public and businesses against online crime. We have been and will continue to post messages across our social media channels around protecting the public and businesses online. We’d be extremely grateful if you could share materials and the hashtag #protectandconnect or signpost the public to our website for further advice if required. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require a few printed copies of any of the above. You can keep up-to-date by finding us on Facebook, search ‘Kent Police’, follow us on Twitter: @kent_police or follow us on Instagram: @kentpoliceuk You can also find out more information about staying safe online by visiting our website:

‘How safe do you feel where you live?’

That is the one of the key questions Matthew Scott, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent, is asking residents this summer.
Mr Scott said: ‘I set Kent Police’s priorities based on the things people tell me matter to them. My Annual Policing Survey is a key way in which I get to hear what you think about your police force. I want to know what you think Kent Police does well and what it could do better.
‘I’m responsible for ensuring Kent Police provides an effective and efficient service so I’m asking you, plain and simple, to rate how safe you feel in your community and also what to extent you think you get value for money.’ 

Mr Scott added: ‘I’ve had a tremendous response from those I’ve met at big public events like the Kent County Show and the Kent Police Open Day so far this summer but I want as many people as possible to take the opportunity to have their say. Based on the results of last year’s survey, I took the decision to put more money into recruiting up to 200 more police officers, so your views really can make a difference.’

The survey, which only takes a couple of minutes to complete, is available at A hard-copy leaflet, and a large print version, are also available on request. Questions about people’s gender, where they live, age and ethnicity have been included to enable the PCC to spot trends among different communities.